Physical Therapy

15-60 Minutes sessions

Initial Evaluation 60min $120

Dry Needling & Neuromuscular Re education15min $40

Manual Therapy (joint & soft tissue mobilizations, & traction) 15 min $35

Electrical Stimulation (TENS, NMES, IFC, or combo) 15 min $20

Ultrasound Therapy 15min $15

Gait Analysis and Training 15 min $30

Therapeutic Exercise 15 min $35

Therapeutic Activity 15min $35

~Mandated by State law all episodes of care must initiate with an initial evaluation and finish with a re evaluation to complete episode of care.


Pilates Classes

55 MINUTES sessions

Private Classes $75

~Private packages:  8 classes for $520 (to be used with in 8 weeks from date of purchase).

~Includes a combination of time on reformers, Cadillac, Chair, Barrels, and mat

Guided Exercise Sessions/Personal Training


One on one individual session $75

~A great option for clients who have been discharged from Physical Therapy but need assist with maintenance of exercise program or anyone needing assistance with fitness goals.


Nutrition, Health & Wellness Counseling

60 Minutes $75

Depending on client's request and needs this can be one of or a combination of dietary assessment and counseling, health and lifestyle counseling (addressing habits and behaviors), food label education, on site grocery shopping education, etc.


NOTE:  10% discount on all services for seniors* 65yo+ and veterans

*except for Physical Therapy services if client has Medicare benefits.


Please call for information and appointments to 210-816-1414.  Note for Physical Therapy State law requires a physician order, which can be requested by you prior to initial evaluation and faxed to 210-876-1212, or brought with you to your initial evaluation appointment or requested by me to your primary physician after our initial evaluation.